About Us

We hold dog-training classes on Wednesday evenings in Braniel Community Centre, Warren Grove, Belfast BT5 7JN. 

Our next classes start on 16th October and last for 8 weeks. They are bookable below.

Have you the well-socialised well-behaved dog that you wanted and just want some help with training, or do you have a "reactive" dog or a problem dog that doesn't listen to you, a dog with "issues"?
If you think you have a problem dog at the end of your lead then stop and think - perhaps your dog has a problem person on the end of its lead - someone who is not sending the right signals to the dog, someone who is not communicating to the dog what is wanted.
This is where dog training classes come in  - to help with the communication -  we help you to train your dog, to get the well-socialised well-behaved dog that you wanted.

TO BOOK AND PAY, £60 for a set of 8 classes, click on the appropriate link below that will use Square to process your booking and payment ( credit/debit card, or Apple Pay or Google Pay.)  

This will take you to a booking page; once there click "Attend" to book and reserve your place in the class. 

Classes starting 16th October are bookable here ...

1. Young Puppy Class - This class is for young dogs aged under 6 months at the start of the course and is held at 7.00 - 7.45pm each Wednesday for 8 weeks.  It covers the fundamentals - socialisation with other dogs and humans, basic obedience - being a socially acceptable canine.

2. Older Puppy & Bronze Class - Half Full - This class is for adolescent dogs aged 6 months to a year old. It is held at 8.00 - 8.45pm each Wednesday for 8 weeks and covers basic obedience and material from the Kennel Club (Good Citizen) Bronze award. A bronze test will be held in week 9 for interested participants. 

3. Adult Bronze (& Silver/Gold) Class - Full - This class is for all dogs that are one year old or more. The class is held at 9.00 - 9.45pm each Wednesday for 8 weeks and covers material from the Kennel Club (Good Citizen) Bronze award. A bronze test will be held in week 9 for interested participants.  For those who have already achieved the bronze award, material and exercises for the Silver and Gold awards will be covered and a silver/gold test will be held in week 9 as required.

Classes are held in Braniel Community Centre, Warren Grove, Belfast, BT5 7JN.
Please note the following terms & conditions ...
A booking is for one adult (over 18) and one dog; a course is 8 weeks; a course costs £60; a class will have a trainer and no more than 12 participants; (with few exceptions) we cannot accommodate spectators.
There can be no refunds once a course has started. 


If you have any questions it is likely that they have been asked before and the answer is on the Puppy, Bronze, Other or Links page.  Really.  Browse. 

Answer not there? Then ...
- email   BelfastDogTraining@gmail.com
- phone  028 9059 1911 (after 6.00pm)
- Facebook   https://www.facebook.com/Belfastdogtraining
- or simply come along and speak to us on a Wednesday evening.